This online-tutorial consists of 12 short videos introducing the design, samples, available variables, and data sets of the German Family Panel pairfam, as well as explanations of codes for missing values,  and available documentation. Furthermore, it will help you get started with your research with a hands-on exercise.


1. What is pairfam?

What is the pairfam study, and who, when, how, and what exactly is surveyed as part of the study? Presentation and script


2. Sample description and panel maintenance

Sampling of anchor and alteri respondents, incentives and panel maintenance measures to ensure panel participation. Presentation and script


3. Sample development and response rates

Sample development, response and attrition rates of anchor and alteri respondents, including the DemoDiff and Step-up subsamples. Presentation and script


4. Data sets

Overview of the data sets included in the pairfam Scientific Use File available to the scientific community. Presentation and script


5. Variable types and names

Description of variable types and naming convention. Presentation and script


6. Event history calendar

Content and handling of the Event History Calendar, which is part of the survey variables for anchor respondents. Presentation and script

7. Additional variables

Detailed explanation of other variables types in addition to survey variables and their order in the data sets. Presentation and script


8. Missing values and filter missings

Explanation of different missing codes and filter missings. Presentation and script


9. Documentation

Describes available documentation of the pairfam project. Presentation and script


10. Getting started

Helps you get started with your analysis of the pairfam data. Presentation and script


11. Merging Data Sets

Explanation of different matching procedures to help you merge the pairfam data sets. Presentation und Script


12. Merging exercise

Hands-on exercise for merging pairfam data in Stata. Presentation und Script