pairfam is now part of FReDA

Have you been conducting research with pairfam data and are now wondering how you can continue this work? Don't worry: pairfam is now part of FReDA and the survey of the pairfam sample will continue in this way. The FReDA questionnaires also use many questions and scales that originate from pairfam or are at least compatible with pairfam questions. This enables analyses that combine data from the actual pairfam study (up to 2022) and data from FReDA (from 2022 onwards).

The funding of pairfam by the German Research Foundation ended as planned after 14 years - and the last independent survey (survey wave 14) was conducted in 2021/2022 under the project name pairfam. But the survey was by no means discontinued: Since 2022, the pairfam sample has been part of the FReDA surveys. Extensive panel data will therefore continue to be available for analyses, and the time span covered by this panel data continues to grow steadily. The focus on partnership and family-related issues remains unchanged, and there is also a high degree of overlap in the instruments used in the questionnaire. The multi-actor design focuses on the survey of partners, so that dyadic analyses are possible for the pairfam sample, as well as for other FReDA respondents.

pairfam survey to be continued

The 14th pairfam survey wave completed in early summer 2022 already marked a first step in the transition to the FReDA survey in terms of the survey mode: Most pairfam anchors and their partners were surveyed online for the first time, which corresponds to the main mode in FReDA. Since 2022, the pairfam sample has now been fully included in the FReDA survey and thus also in the available FReDA dataset (starting with release v4.0.0, May 2024). However, the pairfam child and parenting surveys were conducted for the last time in 2022 and will not be continued in FReDA (at least for the time being).

The processed data from pairfam surveys 1-14 are still available - more information on pairfam data access can be found here.

Access to the FReDA data sets - including the pairfam surveys 2022 - can be found here.

The pairfam data is also delivered together with the current data release of FReDA. The FReDA study now also includes the provision and documentation of the pairfam data. This means that you can find all accompanying documents, data documentation, codebooks etc. for pairfam on the FReDA website. User support for the pairfam data is also provided by FReDA, but can still be reached via the e-mail address

pairfam website frozen from 2025

In addition, the pairfam website will be maintained. Please note, however, that this pairfam website will no longer be regularly updated after the end of 2024. Current information and notes on pairfam as well as new scientific articles based on the pairfam data can be found (as described above) on the FReDA website.