************************************************************ ************************************************************ *** *** *** Do-file for working with pairfam data *** *** EVENT-HISTORY ANALYSIS *** *** DATA SET "BIOPART" *** *** Release 12.0 *** *** *** *** May 2021 *** *** *** *** Author: Nina Schumann *** *** *** ************************************************************ ************************************************************ * This do-file shows some common operations for working with * the generated data set "biopart" when applying event-history analyses. * Adapt it to your problem, and you should be ready * to start with your analysis. * * Please be aware of mode changes in anchor/child data in wave 12. * For the handling of wave 12 see the Data Manual. * If you need further help please do not hesitate to contact: * support@pairfam.de *************************************************************************** *** PRELIMINARIES *** *************************************************************************** clear all set more off // tells Stata not to pause for --more-- messages global inpath `""insert your datapath here""' // directory of original data *********************************************************** **** LOADING THE DATA ************ *********************************************************** cd $inpath use biopart, clear // load partner episode data * Have a look at the structure of this data set br in 1/10 *********************************************************** ***** GENERATING EPISODE DATA ON UNION DURATION ***** *********************************************************** ***** 1) Preparing the data for event-history analysis (EHA) **** keep id sample partindex intdat* dob sexp relbeg relend b?beg b?end partcurrw* *flag* cohbeg cohend drop if relbeg==-3 // drop if no relationship episode exists sort id partindex * Failure indicator (i.e. event): 1=Separation/Divorce gen separ=0 replace separ=1 if relend!=-99 tab separ, m * Generate last interview egen intdat_max=rowmax(intdatw*) * Censored unions get the interview date replace relend = intdat_max if relend==-99 * Drop unions with missing dates drop if relbeg==-7 | relend==-7 * Drop unions if partner died drop if relend==-66 * Drop unions with age at start of union below 10 gen ageunion=(relbeg-dob)/12 drop if ageunion<10 //we do not believe in these unions * Drop unions with age at end of union below 14 gen ageendunion=(relend-dob)/12 drop if ageendunion<14 //by design these unions should not be in the data * Check flagged cases tab1 biopartflag?, m drop if biopartflag4==1 // inconsistency year of birth partner * How many failures now? tab separ, m * Compute duration gen dur=relend-relbeg recode dur 0 = 0.5 tab dur, m ***** 2) Analyzing the data ************ * Declare data to be event-history data stset dur, failure(separ) // dur=process time; separ=event/failure * Check what stset did list id partindex relbeg relend dur separ _t0 _t _d in 1/10, nol * "Smoothed" hazard function sts graph, tmax(316) hazard width(2) ci xlabel(0(24)316) ******************************************** ******* TAKING REGARD OF BREAKS ************ ******************************************** * Until now we ignored the information on union breaks. For over 1,500 unions we * have a first break. For some of these unions we have further breaks. * For unions with a break, duration is too long if we ignore breaks. * Strategy: A break is treated like a separation (the start of a break defines * the end of an union episode, the end of a break defines the start * of a new union episode). Thus, we finally will have a * dataset with multiple episodes for a union with break(s). ***** 1) Imputing missing date information **** * If one date is missing, impute the other (assuming the break lasts 1 month) * If both the beginning date and end date are missing, delete the break. forvalues z=1/7 { quietly replace b`z'beg = b`z'end if b`z'beg==-7 & b`z'end>0 quietly replace b`z'end = b`z'beg if b`z'beg>0 & b`z'end==-7 } for var b?beg : count if X>0 // count the n with (valid) break information generate nbreaks=0 // the number of breaks per union forvalues x=1/7 { replace nbreaks=nbreaks+1 if b`x'beg>0 } tab nbreaks, m * One union has 7 breaks. For this union we have to generate 8 episodes. ***** 2) Defining the beginning and end dates of the episodes **** * We checked that breaks are between the beginnning and end of the union and do not * overlap within a union. They are stored in chronological order. * Furthermore, the duration of a break is always >=0. * Defining the beginning dates of the episodes. generate relbeg1=relbeg // start of first episode forvalues x=2/8 { local y=`x'-1 gen relbeg`x'=b`y'end if b`y'end>0 // start of 2nd,..., 8th episode } // = end of previous break * Defining the end dates of the episodes forvalues x=1/7 { generate relend`x'=b`x'beg if b`x'beg>0 //end of 1st-7th episode=start of break replace relend`x'=relend if nbreaks+1==`x' //end of last episode=date of separation } generate relend8=relend if b7end>0 //end of 8th episode ***** 3) Switch to long-format (multiple episodes per union) data **** gen unionid = _n //generating the union identifier keep unionid id intdat* dob sexp relbeg1-relbeg8 relend1-relend8 nbreaks separ partcurrw* sample cohbeg cohend reshape long relbeg@ relend@, i(unionid) j(epinr) drop if relbeg==. | relend==. //drop empty episodes tab epinr, m ***** 4) Preparing the data for EHA ********* * Failure indicator: 1=Separation/Divorce bysort unionid (epinr): replace separ=1 if _n<_N //a break is a separation tab separ, m * Computing duration generate dur = relend-relbeg recode dur 0 = 0.5 ***** 5) Analyzing the data ************ stset dur, failure(separ) * "Smoothed" hazard function sts graph, tmax(316) hazard width(2) ci xlabel(0(24)316) ******************************************** ******* EHA WITH TIME-CONSTANT COVARIATES ************ ******************************************** * Two time-constant covariates: cohort, country of birth * Merge anchor1, pairfam main sample merge m:1 id using anchor1, keepusing(cohort cob) tab sample _merge, m drop if _merge==2 drop _merge * Merge anchor1, DemoDiff subsample merge m:1 id using anchor1_dd, keepusing(cohort cob) nol update tab sample _merge, m drop if _merge==2 drop _merge * Merge anchor11, refreshment subsample merge m:1 id using anchor11, keepusing(cohort cob) nol update tab sample _merge, m drop if _merge==2 drop _merge * Cohort tab cohort, m * Country of birth: Federal Republic of Germany, German Democratic Republic, other tab cob, m recode cob -7=. recode cob 4/23=3 lab def cob 1 "Federal Republic of Germany" 2 "German Democratic Republic" 3 "Other" lab val cob cob * Sort data set sort id unionid * Multivarite Cox model stcox i.cohort i.cob, vce(cluster id) * Conditional Effect Plots (rate function) stcurve, hazard at1(cohort=1) at2(cohort=2) at3(cohort=3) at4(cohort=4) stcurve, hazard at1(cob=1) at2(cob=2) at3(cob=3) xsize(4.5) /// lwidth(thick thick thick) /// xtitle("union duration in months", size(large) margin(0 0 0 2)) /// ytitle("separatioon rate", size(large)) /// legend(pos(1) ring(0) row(2) order(1 2 3) lab(1 "FRG") /// lab(2 "GDR") lab(3 "other") size(medlarge)) /// xlabel(, labsize(medium)) /// ylabel(, angle(0) grid labsize(medium) format(%5.3f)) ******************************************** ******* EHA WITH TIME-VARYING COVARIATES ************ ******************************************** * additional time-varying covariate: cohabitation * Check data structure list id unionid relbeg relend dur _t0 _t _d in 1/10, nol * Restrict episode to one per unionid keep if epinr==1 * If there is more than 1 episode per unionid, the stset command will create * st variables for only one, randomly-selected episode. This episode may be * defined as the first, last, or any other specific episode. In the following, * only the first relationship episode is kept; however, this is just a suggestion. * Each user must decide based on the research question. * "stsplit" requires an ID variable; not each observation is a different union --> id(unionid) stset dur, failure(separ) id(unionid) * Episode splitting stsplit T0, every(1) // split at each month * Variable "cohab": currently cohabitating - yes or no replace cohend=intdat_max if cohend==-99 gen cohab=0 replace cohab=1 if (relbeg+T0)>=cohbeg & (relbeg+T0)