Bisherige Internationale Konferenzen

7. Internationale Konferenz "14 Years of pairfam – Résumé and Outlook of the German Family Panel" in München (11.-13. Mai 2022)

Bei der siebten internationalen und interdisziplinären pairfam-Konferenz standen eine Rückschau sowie neue Ergebnisse zu den Kernbereichen pairfams im Mittelpunkt. Dazu gehören unter anderem Partnerschaft, Elternschaft, intergenerationale Beziehungen, Erziehungs- und Kindesentwicklung und aktuelle Themen wie die COVID-19 Pandemie. 

Hier gelangen Sie zu den Keynote-Vorträgen der ehemaligen Projektleiter*innen zu den zentralen pairfam-Erkenntnissen.


→ Programm

Gundula Zoch
The division of unpaid labor in East and West Germany – (still) a divided country?

Silke Büchau / Marie-Fleur Philipp / Pia S. Schober / C. Katharina Spieß
Experimental evidence on employer support of part-time employment and day- care quality: How they shape normative judgements of work-care arrangements 

Alina Otto
Are female breadwinner models contributing to unhappiness? An empirical analysis of the relationship between breadwinner models and relationship satisfaction with pairfam data

Matt Johnson
Long-term dynamics in couple relations

Tita Gonzalez Avilés / Elisabeth Borschel / Sebastian Pusch / Franz J. Neyer
Not all flowers bloom in April: Self-esteem development surrounding the transition into the first romantic relationship

Kay Brauer / Rebekka Sendatzki / Fabian Gander / Willibald Ruch / René Proyer
Character strengths in romantic life: Studying profile similarities and its associations with relationship satisfaction in couples

Anna Hebel / Michael Braun
Changes in the division of labour depending on gender roles attitudes

Katja Köppen / Heike Trappe
Should I stay or should I go? Effects of Covid-19 on partnership quality in Germany

Matteo Piolatto
Explaining changes in parents’ subjective wellbeing during the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany – intersections between gender and socio-economic background 

Markus Klingel
Postponement of parenthood: The interrelation of work and fertility planning

Beatriz Melim / Marisa Matias / Paula M. Matos / Sabine Walper
Co-constructing family: Attitudes and domestic work in the transition to parenthood

Annika Stein
Does economic deprivation affect parental self-efficacy? – Taking a closer look at the consequences of unemployment and poverty by role identification

Linda L. Stürmlinger / Nora Nonnenmacher / Georg W. Alpers / Anna-Lena Zietlow
Long-term consequences of prepartum depression on child behavior: Infant temperament mediates the link between prepartum depression and child hyperactivity at the age of three

Gabriela Gniewosz / Burkhard Gniewosz / Michaela Katstaller
Adolescents’ psychological adjustment during challenging times: The role of mothers’, fathers’, and adolescents’ ratings of warmth parenting style 

Sven Broschinski / Marie-Luise Assmann / Michael Feldhaus / Martin Heidenreich
Arrivals, delays and dead ends: Family dynamics and the school-to-work transition of adolescents and young adults

Aisling Murray /Emer Smyth
Social relationships and child wellbeing in Ireland during the pandemic

Katariina Salmela-Aro / Katja Upadydya / Lauri Hietajärvi
School burnout and engagement profiles before and during COVID-19 – the role of socio-emotional skills

Frank Tillmann / Svenja Geissler / Karen Hemming / Irene Hofmann-Lun / Sabine Walper
Young people in the pandemic: Challenges in the transition from school to work

Lara Augustijn
Do fathers with joint physical custody fare better than non-residential fathers in terms of well-being?

Ulrike Lux / Julia Reim / Stefanie Amberg /Benjamin Baisch /Sabine Walper / Janin Zimmermann
Differences in partner- and parent-child-relationships and well-being between nuclear and separated families: Results of a prospective longitudinal study

Pauline Kleinschlömer / Mine Kühn / Lara Bister / Tobias Vogt / Sandra Krapf
Family transitions and consequences for children’s stress levels

Lisa Mansfeld
International migration and its short-term effects on fertility

Anne-Kristin Kuhnt / Monika Obersneider
Characteristics of individuals in interethnic partnerships in Germany

Francesca Zanasi / Valeria Bordone / Bettina Müller
Grandparental childcare and grandchildren’s emotional and behavioral problems: Does family socio-economic background matter?

Martin Wetzel / Nina Schumann /Claudia Schmiedeberg
New weights for the pairfam anchor data

Almut Schumann / Detlev Lück
Better ask online when it concerns intimate relationships? Differences between modes of data collection for questions regarding relationship quality in a German experiment of the Generations and Gender Programme (GGP)

Martin Bujard
Outlook: FReDA

6. Internationale Konferenz "Innovations in Panel Data Methods“ in München (28.-29. Juni 2018)

Bei der sechsten internationalen und interdisziplinären pairfam-Konferenz standen die Erhebung und Analyse von Paneldaten sowie innovative Forschungsdesigns im Bereich Familie im Fokus.

→ Programm

Josef Brüderl
Fixed-Effects and Cross-Lagged Panel Models with pairfam

Henrik Andersen / Jochen Mayerl / Elmar Schlüter
How to Assess Bidirectional Relations When You Must: Applying the Latent Growth Curve Model with Structured Residuals

Lars Leszczensky / Tobias Wolbring
When Y Affects X: A Simulation Study on How to Deal with Reverse Causality Using Panel Data

Manuel Völkle
Keynote I: A Continuous Time Approach for the Analysis of Panel Data

Franz Neuberger / Klaus Preisner / Lukas Posselt / Fabian Kratz
Regretting Motherhood? Motherhood and Life Satisfaction in Germany since the 1980s

Marco Giesselmann
Controlling for Normative Change in Longitudinal Analyses. The Estimation of Counterfactual Developments in a Study on Maternal Well-Being

Thorsten Kneip / Gerrit Bauer / Martina Brandt
How Having Children Shapes Well-being in Older Age. Well-beingTrajectories and Childrens' Role in Buffering Adverse Life Events

Sharon L. Christ
Alternative Methods for Utilizing Multiple Reporter Data in Longitudinal Models

Deniz Yucel
Does Parental Work-Family Conflict Impact Children’s Socio-Emotional Development? Understanding the Roles of Parental Relationship Quality and Child’s Gender

Johanna Drewelies / Hannah Schade / Gizem Hülür / Christiane A. Hoppmann / Nilam Ram / Denis Gerstorf
The More we are in Control, the Merrier? Partner Perceived Control and Negative Affect in the Daily Lives of Older Couples

Anette Fasang
Keynote II: Assessing Intersectional Inequalities in Work-Family Life Courses: the Sequence Analysis Multistate Model

Etienne Pasteau / Junyi Zhu
Love and Money with Inheritance: Marital Sorting by Labor Income and Inherited Wealth in the Modern Partnership


Paul S. Löwe
What Can we Learn from the Public Sector in Germany Regarding Fertility? Is it Really the Workplace or just Selection?

Antti O. Tanskanen / Mirkka Danielsbacka
Kin Detection and Relationship Quality Among Siblings

Sebastian Sterl / Sonja Schulz / Anna-Carolina Haensch / Bernd Weiß
The Whole is More than the Sum of its Parts – Studying Relationship Stability and Social Change by Pooling and Harmonizing Research Data from Various Infrastructures


Stefan Sacchi / Maarten Koomen / Christina von Rotz / Barbara Müller / Ben Jann
Prepaid Incentives and Survey-Quality in Youth Surveys: Experimental Evidence From the TREE-Panel

Joseph W. Sakshaug / Sebastian Hülle / Alexandra Schmucker / Stefan Liebig
Baseline Selection Biases in a Multi-Mode Panel Survey Recruitment 

5. Internationale Konferenz "Parenting, Co-Parenting and Child Well-Being in Changing Families“ in München (29. Juni-1. Juli 2016)

Im Rahmen der fünften internationalen und interdisziplinären pairfam-Konferenz wurden Forschungsarbeiten zum Wohlbefinden und der Erziehung von Kindern in frühkindlichen und jugendlichen Jahren sowie in verschiedenen familialen und sozialen Kontexten präsentiert.

→ Programm

Sabine Walper (München)
Welcome and Introduction

Ingrid Schoon (London)
Keynote I: Family Risks and Children's Development: Evidence from the UK Millenium Cohort

Martin Diewald, Wendy Johnson & Volker Lang (Bielefeld/Edinburgh)
Do Parents Treat (Their) Children Differently?

Anna Barbuscia (Oxford)
The Kids Are Alright. Socio-Economic Gradients in the Cognitive Development of Children Born After Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) and the Role of Parenting Style

Maria Elena Komodromou (Essex)
Does Postpartum Depression Predict Depression in 11 Year Olds? A Significant Period of Transition to Early Adolescence

Susan Branje (Utrecht)
Keynote II: The Role of Emotional Variability in Development of Parent-Adolescent Relationships and Psychosocial Adjustment

Lynda M. Sagrestano, Ruthbeth Finerman, Joy Clay & Ace Madjlesi (München/Memphis)
Impact of Parental Engagement on Sexual Initiation and Risk Taking Among Urban Adolescents in the USA

Sharon L. Christ, Yoon Young Kwak, Ting Lu & Elizabeth Coppola (West Lafayette)
Adolescent and Young Adult Mental Well-Being Resulting From Caregiver Psychological Neglect in Adolescence

Matthew D. Johnson, Rebecca M. Horne, Adam M. Galovan, Joohong Min & Sabine Walper (Alberta/München)
Pathways Between Parent-Adult Child Relations and Adult Child Intimate Relations

Guy Bodenmann (Zürich)
Keynote III: Interdependence in Parenting: Coparenting

Hannah Zagel & Morag Treanor (Berlin/Edinburgh)
Family Instability, Parental Conflict and Parent-Child Relationship Quality in Scotland and West Germany

Heike Trappe, Michaela Kreyenfeld & Katja Köppen (Rostock/Berlin)
Father-Child Contact After Separation: Evidence From German Panel Data

Fabrizio Bernardi & Chiara L. Comolli (Florence)
Change in the Educational Gradient of Parental Divorce in Spain and Children’s Educational Attainment: A Simultaneous Equation Approach

Kathryn Edin (Baltimore)
Keynote IV: There Are No Single Mothers: Family Instability and Complexity in the U.S.

Mariana Pinho & Ruth Gaunt (Lincoln)
Stay-at-Home Fathers and Breadwinning Mothers: Modern Family Contexts

Hilke Brockmann, Song Yan & Kai Ludwigs (Bremen/Düsseldorf)
Tiger Moms and Helicopter Parents? An Application to Measure the Sustainability of Cultural Role Models and Their Impact on Children’s Experienced Happiness


Thomas Altenhoven & Sandra Krapf (Köln)
Non-Resident Fathers and Children’s Self-Reported Psychosocial Well-Being

Christine Borowsky (Bremen)
Parental Commuting and Children’s Well-Being in Germany

Susanne Eggert & Gisela Schubert (München)
Family-Life With Mobile Media

Petra Rattay & Elena von der Lippe (Berlin)
Health of Young People Aged 11 to 17 Years in Single-Parent, Step and Nuclear Families. First Results of the KiGGS Cohort Study

Wolfgang A. Rauch (Heidelberg)
Using the Five Minute Speech Sample to Assess Family Emotional Climate - Application and Extension in German Samples

Verena C. Vetter, Kim A. Gärtner, Silke Hertel & Gitta Reuner (Heidelberg)
The Interplay of Co- and Self-Regulation Parent Training Programs to Promote Self-Regulation in Very Preterm Born Children

Martina Zemp, Anne Milek & Guy Bodenmann (Zürich)
Can Couple-Focused Programs Improve Child Adjustment? A Randomized Trial

Nahema El Ghaziri, Joëlle Darwiche & Jean-Philippe Antonietti (Lausanne)
Longitudinal Influence of Parental Self-Esteem on Couple and Coparental Satisfaction

Christine Entleitner-Phleps (München)
Determinants of Coparenting in Stepfamilies and With the Non-Resident Parent – What Is Relevant

Magdalena Gerum & Claudia Zerle-Elsässer (München)
Egalitarian Partnerships in Germany : Definition, Prevalence and Key Correlates

Ornella Larenza & Laura Bernardi (Lausanne)
(Re)Partnering mothers: Doing Family After the Transition to Lone Parenthood

Monika Potkanski (Wien)
Intergenerational Value Transmission in Polish Immigrant Families in Austria

Gloria Repond & Joëlle Darwiche (Lausanne)
Association of Specific Stepfamily Dynamics With Marital, Coparental and Child Difficulties

Barbara Wilhelm & Sabine Walper (München)
Joint Parenting After Parental Separation: Evidence from Germany

4. Internationale Konferenz "'Linked' life course transitions and family outcomes“ in Köln (25.-26. September 2014)

Die vierte internationale pairfam-Konferenz setzte den Fokus auf „Querverbindungen“ im Leben, sei es zwischen Familienmitgliedern, sei es zwischen verschiedenen Lebensbereichen. Entsprechend dem interdisziplinären Ansatz von pairfam wurden sowohl soziologische als auch psychologische Forschungsarbeiten auf Basis nationaler und internationaler Datensätze präsentiert.

→ Programm

Karsten Hank (Köln)
Welcome and Introduction

Anne-Kristin Kuhnt & Heike Trappe (Duisburg-Essen/Rostock)
That is easier said than done: childbearing intentions and their realization in a short-term perspective

Gerrit Bauer & Thorsten Kneip (München)
Fertility decisions, preference adaptation and the dyadic linking of life course

Jette Schröder & Claudia Schmiedeberg (Mannheim/München)
Good jobs, bad jobs, and their effects on relationship quality

Christine Schnor (Brüssel)
Does waiting pay off? The effect of partnership duration prior to household formation on union stability

Michael Feldhaus & Valerie Heintz-Martin (Bremen/München)
Long-term effects of parental separation during childhood on the timing and the risk of cohabitation, marriage, and divorce in adulthood

Nicole Hiekel, Aart. C. Liefbroer & Anne-Rigt Poortman (The Hague/Amsterdam/Utrecht)
Marriage and separation risks among German cohabiters: differences between types of cohabiters

Manuela Schicka (Genf)
What makes a good relationship? Linking relationship quality and conjugal interaction

Sofie Vanassche & Yolien De Hauw (Leuven)
The educational gradient of stepfamily formation in Flanders and Germany

Jennifer S. Barber (Ann Arbor)
Keynote presentation I: The dynamics of romantic relationships, pregnancy desires, and unintended pregnancy: some insights from weekly data in the United States

Francesco Billari, Aart C. Liefbroer & Nicole Hiekel (Oxford/Amsterdam/The Hague)
Keynote presentation II: Stratification and choice in the transition to adulthood: a comparative perspective

Nadia Lois, Ching-Chun Yi & Bernhard Nauck (Chemnitz/Taipeh)
The process of leaving the parental home: a comparison between Germany, Taiwan, and the United States

Sergi Vidal, Francisco Perales, Philipp M. Lersch & Maria Brandén (Bremen/St. Lucia/Köln/Stockholm)
Family migration in a cross-national comparative perspective: first results for Australia, Britain, Germany, and Sweden 

Christine Finn, M. Mund, B. Hagemeyer, J. Zimmermann & Franz J. Neyer (Jena)
Dynamic transactions between self-esteem and attachment process from young adulthood to midlife

Monique Leenders (Nijmegen)
The relationship between work aspects and attachment to mother/father and quality of and social support from romantic partner

Maaike Jappens & J. van Bavel (Brüssel)
Parental divorce, living arrangements and grandchild-grandparent relationships

Sebastian Pink & Thomas Leopold (Mannheim)
Do babies come faster if grandparents live closer? Intergenerational proximity and the transition to parenthood in East and West Germany 

Veronika Salzburger (Köln)
The birth of a (grand-)child. Does the new family structure lead to a change in intergenerational relationships? 


Barbara Fulda (Köln)
The family as a source of support: How and to whcih extent do family members help each other?

Bernadette Huyer-May (München)
Body Weight Changes: Does Transition in Marital Status Matter?

Sabine Keller (Chemnitz)
Differences in the expected number of children - A study about the influence of child care and religiousness in East and West Germany

Patrick Lazarevic & Laura Unsöld (Duisburg-Essen)
The Influence of Subjective Obstacles for a Family. Which Obstacles Prevent Family Foundations, and to what Extent? 

Marianna Schaubert (Wuppertal)
Career, Family, and the Well-Being among College-educated Women

Gal Slonim & Astrid Schütz (Bamberg)
Transition to Parenthood: How Does it Affect Men and Women's Satisfaction in Various Life Domains? A 4-year Longitudinal Examination

Petra Stein & Sebastian Willen (Duisburg-Essen)
Family Formation and Family Extension out of a Bargaining Process

3. Internationale Konferenz "Fertility over the Life Course“ in Bremen (12.-13. September 2012)

Die dritte internationale pairfam-Konferenz widmete sich den aktuellen Fortschritten in der längsschnittlichen Fertilitätsforschung. In zahlreichen Vorträgen wurden Arbeiten auf der Basis nationaler oder internationaler Datensätze vorgestellt bzw. als Poster präsentiert.

→ Programm

Johannes Huinink (Bremen)
Welcome and Overview

Joshua Goldstein (Rostock)
The Momentum of Fertility Change

Aart Liefbroer (Den Haag)
Fertility Intentions and Decisions in Multi-Dimensional Life Courses

Ann Berrington (Southampton)
Understanding Fertility Intentions: Their Modification and Achievement over the Life Course

Cornelia Helfferich, Angelika Hessling, Heike Klindworth (Freiburg/Köln)
Unintended Pregnancies and Their Outcomes - The Life Course Perspective

Michaela Kreyenfeld (Rostock)
Economic Uncertainty and Fertility in Comparative Perspective

Katharina Lutz (Frankfurt/M.)
The Influence of Occupations on Fertility

Zsolt Spéder (Budapest)
Success and Failure in the Realization of Childbearing Intentions: Comparing Influencing Factors in Four European Countries

Matthijs Kalmijn & Katya Ivanova (Amsterdam/Tilburg)
Determinants of Fertility in Remarriage: Parenthood, Bonding, or Catching Up?

Hill Kulu (Liverpool)
Interrelationships between Fertility and Spatial Mobility in the Family Life Course

Francesca Fiori, Elspeth Graham & Zhiqiang Feng (St. Andrews)
Geographical Context and First Birth in Britain

Elizabeth Washbrook (Bristol)
House Prices and Fertility in England and Wales

Nicoletta Balbo, Nicola Barban & Melinda Mills (Groningen)
Cross-Friend Effects on Marriage and Childbearing as Interrelated Family-Formation Processes

Sebastian Pink, Thomas Leopold & Henriette Engelhardt (Bamberg)
Is Childbearing Contagious? An Analysis of Fertility at the Workplace

Daniel Lois & Oliver Arránz Becker (Tübingen/Chemnitz)
Is Childbearing Contagious? Using Panel Data to Disentangle Mechanisms of Social Network Influences on Fertility Decisions

Gerrit Bauer & Thorsten Kneip (München)
Fertility Preferences and Fertility Behaviour from the Couple Perspective

Bernhard Nauck (Chemnitz)
Cultural Fertility Strategies: Value of Children and Fertility in Eighteen Areas in Asia, Africa, Europe and America

Maria Rita Testa (Wien)
Family Sizes in Europe: Evidence from the 2011 Eurobarometer Survey


Christian Haag (Bamberg)
Fragmented Parenthood and the Fertility Intentions of Homosexual Women and Man

Cornelia Helfferich, Angelika Hessling, Heike Klindworth & Jan Kruse (Freiburg/Köln/Freiburg/Freiburg)
Fertility and Regulation of Fertility in the Life Course of Turkish and East European Women in Germany

Barbara Hofman & Katrin Hohmeyer (Mannheim)
Perceived Economic Uncertainty and Fertility - Evidence from a Labor Market Reform

Sandra Hubert (München)
Religiosity and Fertility in Comparative Perspective

Sabine Keller (Göttingen)
Fertility between Desire and Reality - Differences in Childbearing Parities of East and West Germans

Christiane Lübke (Duisburg)
How Migration Affects the Timing of Childbearing: Examining Polish Women in Britain

Bastian Mönkediek & Hilde Bras (Nijmegen)
Family Systems, Welfare Regimes and Fertility Behavior in Contemporary Europe from a Social Network Perspective

Jessica Nisén, Mikko Myrskylä, Karri Silventoinen & Pekka Martikainen (Helsinki)
Educational Differences in Completed Fertility: A Longitudinal Study on Finnish Men and Women Born in 1940-1950

Nora Reich (Hamburg)
Public Sector Employment and Fertility in Germany

Ernesto Silva (Lund)
Female Relative Income and Continued Childbearing in Sweden

2. Internationale Konferenz “Partnership Relations in Context” in München (21.-23. September 2011)

Im Fokus der interdisziplinären Konferenz standen Veränderungen in Partnerschaftsbeziehungen im Kontext sich wandelnder sozialer und persönlicher Rahmenbedingungen. Neben Keynote-Vorträgen wurden zahlreiche Forschungsergebnisse in Form von Posterbeiträgen vorgestellt.

→ Programm

Sabine Walper (München)
Welcome and Introduction: Partnership Relations in pairfam

Marieke Voorpostels & Tanja Van der Lippe (Lausanne, Utrecht)
Financial matters for cohabiting and married couples in 23 European countries

Norbert F. Schneider, Michael Feldhaus & Rüger (Wiesbaden, Bremen, Wiesbaden)
Mobility, partner relationship, family development - comparative analyses with pairfam and JobMob-Data

Martin Diewald, Sebastian Böhm & Tobias Graf (Bielefeld)
How work interferes with partnerships: Mechanisms influencing partnerships quality, conflicts, and dissolution

Merril Silverstein (Los Angeles)
Gender Role Attitudes Across the Life Course of Four Generations: Temporal Change and Family Variation

Franz Neyer (Jena)
Personality Effects on Partner Relationships

Joanne Davila (New York)
Quality of social networking relationships in late adolescence & links to well-being

Inge Seiffge-Krenke (Mainz)
From Parents to Romantic Partners: Coping with Relationship Stress - A 18-Nation Study

Ingrid Schoon (London)
Family Hardship, Family Instability and Children’s Development in the First Five Years of Life

Markus Schaer (München)
Young Couples and Their Families of Origin: A Social Relations Model Analysis on the Intergenerational Transmission of Conflict Behavior


Oliver Arrànz Becker, Johannes Kopp, Daniel Lois & Nico Richter (Chemnitz)
Social Network Influences on Fertility Decisions in East and West Germany

Andreas Eickhorst, Britta Frey & Manfred Cierpka (Heidelberg)
Parenthood and Partnership in a German risk sample: Are there differences between single-mothers and parents living together?

Tanja M. Gerlach & Jaap J. A. Denissen (Berlin)
How to Forgive Your ‘Better Half’: A Negotiation Approach to Partner Forgiving

Valerie Heintz-Martin & Christine Entleitner (München)
Stepfamily in Germany: New Insights on Partnership Formation, Number of Children, Living Circumstances from AID:A

Ann-Katrin Job, Alina Nötel & Kurt Hahlweg (Braunschweig)
Check Your Relationship Functioning – An Offer for Every Couple. Who Takes Part and What About the Relationship?

Stefanie Kley (Hamburg)
Job Mobility and the Separation of Couples

Elisa König, Bernhard Kalicki & Nubbek Research Group (München)
Effects of Parental Depression on Child Development: Marital Quality and Parenting Behaviour as Mediators?

Anton-Rupert Laireiter & Julia E. Hochfilzer (Salzburg)
Dyadic Coping, Equity, and Communication as Components of Satisfaction in Couples

Alexandra Langmeyer & Sabine Walper (München)
Interparental Relationship, Coparenting, and Child Adjustment in Cohabiting Families

Ulrike Lux & Sabine Walper (München)
Current partnership quality against the background of separation experiences from previous partners

Anne Milek, Tina Götz & Guy Bodenmann (Zürich)
Time spent with spouse - Having children as a challenge?

Christine Schnor (Rostock)
The impact of union context on family stability. Testing normative influences

Susan Sierau, Philipp Yorck Herzberg & Tanja Jungmann (Leipzig, Wuppertal, Rostock)
Do mental health and partnership satisfaction influence first-time parents’ postnatal attachment to their child?

Heike Trappe & Manuela Schicka (Rostock, Genf)
Fathers on parental leave: What happened since the recent reforms in German family policy?

Jana Uher & Karlijn Gosselt (Berlin, Utrecht)
Social relationships from an evolutionary and comparative perspective: The role of personality, sex, age, and social position in dyadic social relationships in nonhuman primates