For orientation purposes here you can find an overview of the available pairfam materials. Furthermore, we present a short introduction (Quick Guide) and commented syntax files (Quick Starts) that facilitate starting working with the pairfam data.
→ Getting Started
Another way to get started is the pairfam Online-Tutorial consisting of 10 short videos in English. Please find further information here:
→ Video Tutorials
The codebooks document the pairfam questionnaires, separately for each wave and respondent group.
→ Questionnaire
The following page contains a comprehensive variable overview of the individual respondents and generated variables as an Excel file.
→ Variables
The data manual explains the structure of the datasets and provides a detailed description of the data-editing procedures undertaken. The data manual also contains relevant notes on generated variables and datasets, paradata, the computation and use of weighting factors, and the handling of biographical episode data.
→ Data Manual
The scales manual contains guidelines regarding the creation of index variables and scales on the basis of instruments used in the German Family Panel. It provides information regarding the sources of these index variables, their corresponding items, and the reliability scores.
→ Scales Manual
The technical papers are prepared by the pairfam team in order to point the users to some important notes and assistances with regard to data preparation and data analysis.
→ Technical Papers
The methods reports prepared by Kantar Public (formerly TNS Infratest Sozialforschung) document the organization and realization of fieldwork reaching from sampling strategies, the use of incentives and the follow-up concepts to response rates, interview duration measures and procedures to increase panel stability.
→ Method Reports