Previous Workshops


pairfam workshop online on 23th and 24th of September, 2021

A pairfam workshop took place online via Zoom from the 23rd to 24th of September, 2021. Participants had access to short introductory videos covering the pairfam design, samples, data structure, variables, missing value definitions, and available documentation. The two-hour session on the 23rd included an introduction to cross-sectional data management and multi-actor links with pairfam data (including practical exercises). The following day entailed tips and tricks for weighting, longitudinal data management, as well as fixed effects regression techniques in a second two-hour session.


pairfam workshop in Mannheim on 27th January, 2020

A pairfam workshop was held on January 27 at the gesis institute in Mannheim. The design, sample, and data structure of pairfam data was explained and participants were provided with tips and tricks for cross-sectional data management, weighting options, and multi-actor links in the data. In addition, longitudinal data management as well as fixed effects regression techniques were demonstrated with a practical orientation.


August 28-29, 2018: In-House-Workshop at Hamburg University

On August 28-29, 2018 a pairfam workshop was held at Hamburg University. The structure of the pairfam data was explained, the available datasets introduced, and the use of pairfam data was illustrated based on practical examples. Participants went through in-class examples together, applying longitudinal methods (fixed effects analysis and event history analysis).


January 26, 2018: "Meet the data: The German Family Panel (pairfam)" in Mannheim

As part of the GESIS workshop series, the main focus of this workshop was on an introduction to analyses with pairfam data and practical applications with the statistics program Stata.
→ Program


September 13 & 14, 2017: "Date your Data" at Ruhr-Universität Bochum

As part of the workshop "Date your Data", pairfam was presented at Ruhr-Universität Bochum. Three surveys were introduced: the European Social Survey, PIAAC, and pairfam. The workshop included practical exercises.


April 6, 2016: Workshop at University Duisburg-Essen

A pairfam user training was held at University Duisburg-Essen on April 6th, 2016.
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March 17, 2016: Workshop at Deutsches Jugendinstitut e.V. (DJI) in Munich

A pairfam user training was held at Deutsches Jugendinstitut e.V. (DJI) in Munich on April 6th, 2016. The focus was on analyzing the pairfam data using the statistical software Stata.


November 2-3, 2015: "Meet the data" Workshop in Mannheim

As part of the GESIS workshop series, the structure of pairfam data was explained, the available datasets were introduced, and the use of pairfam data was illustrated based on practical examples. The main focus of the course was data management (e.g., merging datasets for cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses, using generated variables and datasets). Participants went through in-class examples together, applying merging of datasets and longitudinal methods (panel analysis and event history analysis).
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October 22, 2015: "Multi-Actor-Designs" Workshop in Cologne

The structure of pairfam data was explained, the available datasets were introduced, and the use of pairfam data was illustrated based on practical examples. The main focus of the workshop was the Multi-Actor-Design of pairfam and of the SOEP data.
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September 16, 2015: In-House-Workshop in Bamberg

The application-oriented workshop was based on the currently available scientific use file with panel data of the first six survey waves with a focus on introducing the data and their handling. The rich potential for analysis of the pairfam dataset has been illustrated by means of practical exercises.
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December 04-05, 2014: "Meet the data" Workshop in Mannheim

As part of the GESIS workshop series, the structure of pairfam data was explained, the available datasets were introduced, and the use of pairfam data was illustrated based on practical examples. The main focus of the course was data management (e.g., merging datasets for cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses, using generated variables and datasets). Participants went through in-class examples together, applying longitudinal methods (panel analysis and event history analysis).
→ Program


September 23-27, 2013: datalab-Workshop in Bielefeld

During the week-long datalab workshop in September 23-27, 2013 the potentials of analyzing data from pairfam and other longitudinal studies (e.g., GSOEP) were introduced. The workshop provided extensive information on the design of the German Family Panel and first experiences in using the data by practical exercises. The focus was on statistical techniques of panel regression, dyadic analysis, and structural equation modeling.
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October 04, 2012: Workshop at the 36th GSA Congress in Bochum

The application-oriented workshop was based on the currently available scientific use file with panel data of the first three survey waves with a focus on introducing the data and their handling. The rich potential for analysis of the pairfam dataset has been illustrated by means of practical exercises.


June 21-22, 2012: Workshop in Chemnitz

The workshop provided an introduction to both the current data of the third survey wave of the German Family Panel pairfam and techniques for preparing these data for longitudinal and dyadic analyses. Furthermore, the focus was on imparting theoretical and practical knowledge in conducting dyadic multi-level modeling.
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September 26-30, 2011: datalab-Workshop in Bielefeld

The week-long datalab-workshop at the University of Bielefeld provided a deeper insight into the preparation of complex panel datasets and the application of specific techniques of longitudinal data analysis (panel regression, structural equation modeling, dyadic analyses). For the first time, the formerly soep@campus workshop has been extended by two additional German large-scale datasets, the panel study "Labour Market and Social Security" (PASS) by the Institute for Employment Research and the "German Family Panel" (pairfam). All workshop material for the pairfam-specific modules can be requested from the user support. 
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June 21-22, 2011: Workshop in Chemnitz

The focus of the two-day workshop was on presenting the German Family Panel pairfam and the preparation of the complex data of the first two survey waves for own analyses on the one hand and on familiarizing the users with 2-waves panel models and time-discrete event data analysis as two specific methods of longitudinal data analysis on the other.
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October 13, 2010: Workshop at the 35th GSA Congress in Frankfurt/Main

The workshop at the 35th Congress of the German Sociological Association (GSA) served the purpose to introduce the data of the German Family Panel pairfam to a broader audience and to illustrate its various analysis potential by means of practical exercises.
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