Seventh pairfam User Conference in Bremen (Virtual World) (September 30 - October 1, 2021)
The 7th user conference of the German Family Panel took place on the 30th September and 1st of October 2021 in Bremen (Virtual World). Researchers and young scientists from all relevant disciplines presented their current work based on pairfam data at this international event.
→ Conference Program
Mara Barschkett, C. Katharina Spieß, Elena Ziege
Intergenerational effects of grandparental care on children and parents
Shichen Fang, Nancy L. Galambos, Matthew D. Johnso
The role of gender composition in trajectories of parent-child relations in the transition to adulthood
Pauline Kleinschlömer, Sandra Krapf
Parental separation and child well-being: The role of family relationships. Does the impact of parental separation on children's well-being vary by relationship quality?
Matthew D. Johnson, Justin A. Lavner, Franz Neyer
Are women the barometers of relationships? Testing the predictive power of women’s and men’s satisfaction on their own and their partner’s satisfaction over time
Gina Potarca, Jennifer Hook
Does online dating challenge gendered marital practices?
Hannah Zagel
Better off without you? Maternal health, partnership context and the level of conflict
Giulia Corti
I really want it. Urgency, partner market constraints, and union formation in Germany
Okka Zimmermann
The impact of partnership experiences on partnership formation: Different for non-cohabiting unions?
Sonja Schulz, Lisa Schmid, Anna-Carolina Haensch, Antonia May
Measuring divorce risk with pooled survey data –The effects of different survey characteristics on the estimation of marital stability
Nicole Hiekel, Mine Kühn
Mental health before and during the Covid-19 pandemic: The role of partnership and parenthood status ingrowing disparities between types of families.
Doris Erbe, i. Harten, Alexander L. Gerlach
Impact of planned and unplanned pregnancies: life satisfaction, income and stability of partnership before and after (un)expected pregnancies
Arthur L. Greil, Desmond C. Wallave, Martin Bujard, Jasmin Passet-Wittig, Julia McQuillan, Michele H. Lowry
Same but different? Patterns of perceived inability to procreate and number of births in Germany
Sabine Düval
Do men and women really have different gender role attitudes? Experimental insight on gender-specific attitudes toward paid and unpaid work in Germany
Silke Büchau, Marie-Fleur Philipp, Pia S. Schober, C. Katharina Spieß
Family policy context and normative judgements of work-care arrangements -Experimental evidence from a vignette study
Poster Session
Ria Gualano
Personality and web 2.0: Social media’s longitudinal impact on the self-concept
Ayhan Adams, Katrin Golsch
Adaptive strategies of scaling back as a reaction to work-family conflicts in Germany
Theresa Bläcker; Alexander L. Gerlach, Doris Erbe
Childbearing in the context of mental disorders: Expectations, fears and preconditions of mentally ill women regarding parenthood
Laura Eberlein
Good carer or good provider? The effect of gender role attitudes on paid work and the mismatch between actual and preferred work hours
Daniele Florean
Gender role bargaining in cohabiting couples and marital behavior in Germany
Lisa Akili, Johannes Kallenbach, Bianca Roth, Sarah Rybol
New fathers: men between egalitarian and traditional division of labor
Lisa Mansfeld
International migration and its effect on partnership stability
Yvette Völschow, Marlene Gadzala, Wiebke Janßen, Richard Preetz
Who uses counseling services in Germany? Evidence from a national sample
Yevgeniy Martynovych
Forgone or delayed: An Analysis of education differences by transition into first marriage among German Cohorts 1971-73 and 1981-83
Anne-Sophie Oehrlein
Fertility plans and their effect on life - Investigating the association between changing fertility plans and career development
Kien Tran, Laura Castiglioni, Sabine Walper, Ulrike Lux
Resolving relationship dissolution – What predicts psychological adjustment after breakup?
Sonja Bastin, Daniela Hög, Sonja Drobnič
Relationship stability. What can we learn from comparing same- and different-sex relationships?
Richard Preetz, Andreas Filser
Way out of town – are long-distance relationships a response to partner scarcity?
Sixth pairfam User Conference in Cologne (May 16 -17 June , 2019)
The 6th user conference of the German Family Panel took place on the 16th to 17th of May 2019 in Cologne. Researchers and young scientists from all relevant disciplines presented their current work based on pairfam data at this international event.
→ Conference Program
Andreas Filser & Richard Preetz
Local and subjective sex ratios- How (macro-)measures relate to individual partner markets
Johannes Stauder
Partner market opportunities as a resource in marital bargaining on the division of housework
Sabine Düval & Katrin Auspurg
Should women do more housework? Experimental insights on gender norms, stereotypes and norms of equality
Anne-Kristin Kuhnt
Are migrants adopting to mainstream fertility norms? A comparison of migrants and non-migrants living in Germany
Christoph Bein, Anne H. Gauthier & Monika Mynarska
The role of religiosity for stability and realization of fertility intentions
Gerrit Bauer & Marita Jacob
Education, partnership and fertility: Why higher educated women postpone first births
Christine Borowsky, Sonja Drobnič & M. Feldhaus
Parents’ commuting and child well-being in Germany
Martina Zemp, Matthew. Johnson & Guy Bodenmann
Within-family processes: Interparental and coparenting conflict and child adjustment
Stephanie Hess & Matthias Pollmann-Schult
Does parental depression really lower child well-being? A comparison of parents’ and children’s (self-)assessment
Alexandra-Andreea Ciritel, Ann Berrington & Brienna Perelli-Harris
Looking inside the bedroom: Does sexual satisfaction matter in living apart together relationship transitions?
Lisa Schmid & Sandra Krapf
Infidelity and union stability of LAT, cohabiting and married couples in Germany
Bastian Mönkediek, Wiebke Schulz, Harald Eichhorn & Martin Diewald
Is there something special about twin families? A comparison of parenting styles in twin and non-twin families
Adam Galovan, Sabine Walper, Matthew Johnson, & J. Yurkiw
Parenting in multi-generational households
Sebastian Pusch, Felix Schönbrodt, Caroline Zygar & Birk Hagemeyer
The sources and consequences of communal motive perception in couple relationships
Rebecca Horne, Emily Impett & Matthew Johnson
Exclude me, enjoy us? A 7-year investigation of unmitigated communion and relationship satisfaction
J.R. Anderson et al.
Autonomy & emotional insecurity scales in pairfam
M. Brüning & S. Künn
Trading off different life domains? An analysis of the individual returns to migration
M. Klingel
Occupational success and the postponement of parenthood
L. Koch et al.
How to stay in the driver’s seat: Self-regulation in times of transitions
K. Köppen et al.
Who can take advantage of assisted reproductive technologies in Germany?
V. Ludwig & D. Böhmer
How children impact relationship satisfaction
H. Maly-Motta
Stressed parents – What about the Dads?!
J. Min & M. Johnson
Intergenerational support exchanges between adult children and their mother: Focus on the impact of marital transitions and transitions to parenthood among adult children
L. Sacchi et al.
Longitudinal health trajectories after adversity: A growth mixture modelling approach
R. Schunck & J. Gereke
Does it really pay to be beautiful? A longitudinal study of physical attractiveness and labor market success
L.M. Stöven & P.Y. Herzberg
Love in times of Facebook: The impact of social media use on attachment style and related personality traits
D. Yucel
The effect of relationship status on personal well-being: Exploring the moderating effect of social support and gender differences
J. Yurkiw & M. Johnson
Sexual communication and depressive symptoms in couples
Fifth pairfam User Conference in Bremen (May 31-June 1, 2017)
The 5th user conference of the German Family Panel took place on the 31th of May and 1st of June 2017 in Bremen. Researchers and young scientists from all relevant disciplines presented their current work based on pairfam data at this international event.
→ Conference Program
Anna Dechant, Gal Slonim & Astrid Schütz
Singlehood by Choice - Mostly a Transient Status
Johannes Stauder & Laura Unsöld
Partner Market and Union Stability: To What Extent do Partner Alternatives Influence Union Stability?
Michael Wagner, Sandra Krapf & H. Lukas R. Arndt
More Than One at a Time? Non-Monogamous Partnerships in pairfam
Martha Ottenbacher
Religion and Fertility of Young Women in Germany
Jasmin Passet-Wittig, Martin Bujard, Julie McQuillan & Arthur L. Greil
Stability and Instability of Perceived Infertility: A Longitudinal Analysis in Life Course Context Using German Panel Data
Björn Huß & Matthias Pollmann-Schult
Why are Parents so Unhappy with Their Partners? The Impact of Conflicts on Relationship Satisfaction Across the Transition to Parenthood
Anette Fasang, Jenny Schmidtke & Hannah Zagel
Social Gradients in Family Stability and Maternal Health in Children's Early Years
Katja Köppen, Michaela Kreyenfeld & Heike Trappe
Parental Wellbeing after Separation: Evidence from German Panel Data
Sharon L. Christ
Parenting Construct Development and Assessment in the Pairfam Study
Christine Borowsky
Do Children Suffer from Commuting Parents? Insights on Children's Well-Being from the Perspective of Parents and their Children
Gabriela Gniewosz & Burkhard Gniewosz
Gendered Patterns in Family Resource Effects on Children's Well-Being Development
Gundula Zoch & Pia S. Schober
Expansion of Public Childcare Services and Changing Attitudes of Parents in East and West Germany
Ulrike Unterhofer & Katharina Wrohlich
External Effects of 'Daddy Months': How Fathers' Paternal Leave Affects Social Norms
Merril Silverstein & Anja Steinbach
Religiosity and Intergenerational Solidarity in Germany
Richard Preetz & André Ortiz
Turning the Tables: Value Transmission and Socialization - How the Family Business Affects the Business Family
Poster Presentations
Sonja Bastin
More than Two. Educational Level and Ideal Number of Children
Gerrit Bauer, Thorsten Kneip & Josef Brüderl
Parenthood and Well-Being: The Early Years
Sabine Düval
Effects of Parents' Unemployment on Children's Personality and Emotions
Katrina Frank
(Un-)Shared Beliefs. Individual and Dyadic Effects of Religiosity on Relationship Satisfaction and the Likelihood of Initiating Union Dissolution over Time
Kristin Hajek
The Effect of Abortion on Partnership Satisfaction and Stability
Isabella Hoppmann & Okka Zimmermann
Different Meanings of 'Living-Apart-Together' Among Youth? A Sequence Analysis Approach
Sabine Keller
How to Cope with the Mother-in-Law? The Influence of a Poor In-law-Relationship on the Intention to Separate
Anne-Kristin Kuhnt
Reproductive Norms in Migrants' Lives: A Comparison of Fertility Ideals of Migrants and Non-Migrants Based on the German Family Panel
Patrick Lazarevič & Laura Unsöld
Subjective Obstacles of Family Formation: To What Extent Do Subjective Obstacles Influence Family Formation?
Detlev Lück & Jasmin Passet-Wittig
Unpursued Desires to Have Children and Risking Pregnancy - How to Explain Inconsistent Generative Behaviour?
Monika Obersneider, Jan-Christoph Janssen & Michael Wagner
Regional Sex Ratio and the Dissolution of Relationships in Germany
Petra Rattay, Felicitas Richter, Elvira Mauz & Elena von der Lippe
The Transition to Adulthood. Results of a Sequence Analysis Using Data from the German Family Panel pairfam
Lynda M. Sagrestano & Madison Garrett
Explaining the 'Immigration Paradox' Among Women Giving Birth during the pairfam Panel Study
Nicoletta Signoretti
The Links between Living Arrangements and Fertility in Germany. The Role of Living Apart Together (LAT) on Fertility Intentions and Realised Fertility
Nina Schumann
Joint or Separate? Couples' Financial Management and its Effect on Relationship Quality
Gal Slonim, Anna Dechant & Astrid Schütz
What is Important in the Lives of "Happy Singles"?
Fourth pairfam User Conference in Jena (May 7-8, 2015)
The 4th user conference of the German Family Panel took place on the 7th and 8th of May 2015 in Jena. Researchers and young scientists from all relevant disciplines presented their current work based on pairfam data at this international event.
→ Conference Program
Désirée Jakob & Tanja Mühling
Patterns and dynamics of the relationships between adult children and their parents
Petra Buhr & Anne-Kristin Kuhnt
Uncertainty of fertility expectations - a longitudinal analysis with the German Family Panel
Gerrit Bauer & Thorsten Kneip
Children and parents' happiness
Christian Schmitt
Union dissolution and bargaining power
Anna Dechant & Jessica Schreyer
Parental separation, re-partnering and child(ren)'s living conditions
Bernadette Huyer-May & Claudia Schmiedeberg
Adolescents' leisure activities in a local context
Kevin Schubert
Is there really a Jill for every Jack? Determinants of singles' success on the partner market
Tim Schröder
Internal migration, commuting, and the gender pay gap - between work and family
Jared R. Anderson, Matthew D. Johnson & Jiawen Chen
Four-year trajectories of sexual frequency among committed couples: an exploratory study
Matthew D. Johnson, Jared R. Anderson & Nancy L. Galambos
Skip the dishes? Not so fast! Sex and housework revisited
Marcus Mund & Franz J. Neyer
Climbing high or falling deep? Trajectories of self-esteem across five years in the three pairfam cohorts
Gal Slonim & Astrid Schütz
Are perceived differences between singles by choice and singles by circumstance accurate?
Jette Schröder, Claudia Schmiedeberg & Laura Castiglioni
The effect of interviewers' motivation and attitutdes on respondents' consent to contact secondary respondents in a multi-actor design
Richard Preetz & Malte Langeheine
And then there were three: partner's presence during the interview
Poster Presentations
Maximilian Sonntag, Elisabeth Schubach & Franz J. Neyer
Personality traits predicting individual's religiosity - contextual dependencies
Carina Taubert & Marcus Mund
In good times as in bad: pathways of relationship satisfaction across five years in the pairfam sample
Rebecca M. Horne & Matthew D. Johnson
Temporal ordering of supportive dyadic coping, commitment, and willingness to sacrifice
Third pairfam User Conference in Munich (October 9-10, 2013)
The 3rd user conference of the German Family Panel took place on the 9th and 10th of October 2013 in Munich. Researchers and young scientists from all relevant disciplines presented their current work based on pairfam data at this international event.
→ Conference Program
Nicole Tieben (Mannheim)
Intergenerational mobility and intergenerational relations
Nina Schumann (Munich)
Postponed, not abandoned? The effects of education on union formation
Michaela Kreyenfeld & Sonja Bastin (Rostock)
Blurred memory, deliberate misreporting or “true tales”? How different survey modes affect respondent’s reports on the union status at childbirth
Petra Buhr & Mandy Boehnke (Bremen)
The influence of gender role (in)equality on childbearing decisions in Germany
Katja Köppen & Heike Trappe (Rostock)
Gender division of labor and perceived fairness within couples: Implications for continued childbearing in Germany
Jasmin Passet (Wiesbaden)
The unfulfilled desire to have a child: Who is affected?
Oliver Arránz Becker & Daniel Lois (Chemnitz / Tübingen)
Origins of parental status similarity among social network members: Social contagion or selective choice of network ties?
Sylvia Niehuis, Alan Reifman & Christine Readdick (Texas / Texas / Florida, USA)
Romantic partners’ agreement on social support provision and receipt: Effects on relationship satisfaction
Florian G. Hartmann & Martin Greisel (Munich)
Predicting relationship quality with personality trait similarity and personality trait levels moderated by relationship duration
Malcolm Brynin & Andrew Christopher Edmunds (Essex, UK)
The value of education in assortive coupling: Education, homogamy and relationship satisfaction
Stefanie A. Kley (Hamburg)
Exploring the dangers for partnership stability through job related mobility
Bernd Weiß, Katharina Loter & Michael Wagner (Cologne)
Unemployment, conflicts and partnership stability: An application of an actor-partner interdependence model
Christian Schmitt & Pia S. Schober (Berlin)
Bargaining power and preference reconciliation in couples
Petra Stein & Sebastian Willen (Duisburg-Essen)
Relevant factors of the pair bargaining process with regard to the decision to parenthood
Anna Dechant & Harald Rost (Bamberg)
Division of household labour: Changes in the transition to parenthood
Yvonne Lott (Dusseldorf)
Childbirth and changes in the distribution of resources and housework: Is couples’ power allocation affected?
Second pairfam User Conference in Chemnitz (June 23-24, 2011)
Within the scope of the second user conference of the German Family Panel researchers have presented both their longitudinal and dyadic analyses on the basis of data from the first two waves of the pairfam project plus the first wave of the additional study DemoDiff. Most of the analyses were centered on topics of partnership living arrangements and familial behavior or attitudes.
→ Conference Program
Matthias Pollmann-Schult (Bielefeld)
Familiale Übergänge und subjektives Wohlbefinden
Petra Buhr & Anne-Kristin Kuhnt (Bremen / Rostock)
Kinderwünsche in Ost- und Westdeutschland: Existieren Unterschiede hinsichtlich der kurzfristigen Stabilität?
Denis Beninger (Berlin & Strasbourg)
Estimating economic household models using a new panel for families
Andreas Schmitz & Susann Sachse-Thürer (Bamberg)
Assortative Paarbildung durch das Internet. Explorative Ergebnisse basierend auf der ersten Welle von pairfam
Michael Feldhaus, Mandy Boehnke & Franziska Krohn (Bremen)
Intergenerationale Transmission von Familienverläufen: Vererben sich familiale Verläufe?
Robert Naderi & Jürgen Dorbritz (Wiesbaden)
Entstehungszusammenhänge und individuelle Rahmenbedingungen bilokaler Paarbeziehungen junger und jüngerer Erwachsener in Deutschland.
Michael Feldhaus & Jan Mewes (Bremen)
Berufsbezogene Mobilität, persönliche Netzwerke und partnerschaftsspezifisches Sozialkapital
Christine Schnor (Rostock)
Lebensform und Beziehungsstabilität von Paaren mit Kindern: Der Einfluss der Religion
Nadia Rost & Daniel Lois (Chemnitz)
„Living apart together“: Vorstufe, Notlösung oder Beziehungsideal?
First pairfam User Conference in Mannheim (October 8-9, 2009)
Due to the thematic focus of the first pairfam survey wave, this user conference centered around issues of partnership establishment, partnership arrangements, and fertility behavior.
→ Conference Program
Josef Brüderl (Mannheim)
Datenstruktur und Analysepotential der pairfam-Daten
Johannes Huinink (Bremen)
Theoretische Ziele und Design der pairfam-Studie
Jana Suckow (Munich)
Datenerhebung und Feldverlauf der pairfam-Studie
Helen Baykara-Krumme (Chemnitz)
Wenn Migranten zur Familie befragt werden – Befunde aus einer Berliner pairfam- Begleitstudie
Helen Baykara-Krumme, Daniela Klaus & Anja Steinbach (Chemnitz)
Generationenbeziehungen in Deutschland: Ein Vergleich von einheimischen Familien und Familien mit Migrationshintergrund
Armando Häring, Thomas Klein, Johannes Stauder & Anke Woll (Heidelberg)
Partnermarkt und Suchverhalten von Singles in Deutschland
Michael Feldhaus & Monika Schlegel (Bremen / Oldenburg)
„Supermarkt“ der Lebensformen?
Johannes Kopp & Daniel Lois (Chemnitz)
Institutionalisierungsprozesse junger Partnerschaften
Franziska Schmahl, Alexandra Langmeyer, Carolin Thönnissen, Markus Schaer, Eva-Verena Wendt, Sabine Walper (Munich)
Einflüsse von feindseligen Attributionen und Konfliktstilen auf die Stabilität von Paarbeziehungen
Thorsten Kneip & Christian Hunkler (Mannheim)
Die Stabilität von Ehen und nichtehelichen Lebensgemeinschaften: Ein Test des Modells der Frame-Selektion
Petra Buhr, Johannes Huinink, Mandy Boehnke & Katharina Maul (Bremen)
Kinderzahl und Kinderwunsch in Ost-und Westdeutschland: Erste Analysen mit dem neuen pairfam-Datensatz
Sandra Hubert (Ingolstadt)
Die „verhandelte Fertilität“ und der Einfluss von Religion auf die intendierte und die realisierte Kinderzahl
Gerrit Bauer, Thorsten Kneip (Mannheim)
Familiengründung und Familienerweiterung als partnerschaftliche Entscheidung: Eine Typologie von Verhandlungsmodellen