In the course of pairfam’s user conferences, two competitive awards were granted for excellent scientific works on the basis of data from the German Family Panel. The prize money of € 1,000 was sponsored by Kantar Public (formerly TNS Infratest Sozialforschung). Both prize winners were selected by a jury consisting of the principal investigators of the German Family Panel.
Best Publication Award
The best scientific publication was awarded that met the following criteria:
- The publication is based on analyses with data from the pairfam project. Working papers, expert reports, and journalistic articles are excluded from the selection process.
- The work was published in the two years before the user conference. Online first publications are included if they are indexed by a DOI or similar.
- The publication has to be registered by the user service of pairfam (see Bibliography).
- First authors must not be members of the pairfam team at the time of the publication.
- None of the jury members is author or co-author of the publication.
- Neither the publication nor any preliminary work have previously been recognised with a pairfam award.
Winner of pairfam Best Publication Award 2021:
SONJA BASTIN (University of Bremen)
Single Mothers' New Partners: Partnership and Household Formation in Germany. Journal of Marriage and Family 81: 991-1003. [paper]
Winner of pairfam Best Publication Award 2019:
ANTTI O. TANSKANEN (University of Turku)
Intergenerational relations before and after offspring arrive: A within-person investigation. Social Science Research 67: 138-146. [paper]
GUNTER KREUTZ and MICHAEL FELDHAUS (both Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg)
Does music help children grow up? Parental views from a longitudinal panel study. Musicae Scientiae (Online First). [paper]
Winner of pairfam Best Publication Award 2017:
EVA C. LUCIANOand ULRICH ORTH (both University of Bern)
Transitions in Romantic Relationships and Development of Self-Esteem. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 112: 307-328. [paper]
MARCEL RAAB(University Mannheim)
Childhood Family Structure and Early Family Formation in East and West Germany. Journal of Marriage and Family 79: 110-130. [paper]
Winner of pairfam Best Publication Award 2015:
ROOS HUTTEMAN (Utrecht University), WIEBKE BLEIDORN (University of California Davis), LARS PENKE (Georg-August-University Göttingen) and JAAP J. A. DENISSEN (Tilburg University)
It Takes Two: A Longitudinal Dyadic Study on Predictors of Fertility Outcomes. Journal of Personality 81: 487-498. (5) [presentation] [paper]
Winner of pairfam Best Publication Award 2013:
GERRIT BAUER (LMU Munich) and THORSTEN KNEIP (Max-Planck-Institut für Sozialrecht und Sozialpolitik, MEA)
Fertility From a Couple Perspective: A Test of Competing Decision Rules on Proceptive Behaviour. ESR 29: 535-548. (3) [paper]
Best Presentation Award
The best presentation at the user conference was awarded that met the following criteria:
- The presentation is based on analyses with data from the pairfam project. The selection process considers both the submitted abstract and the oral presentation at the user conference.
- The presenter must not be a member of the pairfam team at the time of the presentation.
- None of the jury members is author or co-author of the presentation.
- Presentations on the basis of pairfam award-winning publications are excluded from the competition.
Winner of pairfam Best Presentation Award 2021:
GIULIA CORTI (University of Trento)
I really want it. Urgency, partner market constraints, and union formation in Germany
Winner of pairfam Best Presentation Award 2019:
STEPHANIE HESS and MATTHIAS POLLMANN-SCHULT (both Otto-von Guericke-University Magdeburg)
Does maternal depression really lower child well-being? A comparison of parents’and children’s (self-)assessment.
Winner of pairfam Best Presentation Award 2017:
GUNDULA ZOCH (Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences) and PIA S. SCHOBER (Universität Tübingen & DIW Berlin)
Expansion of Childcare Services and Changing Attitudes of Parents in East and West Germany.
Winner of pairfam Best Presentation Award 2015:
MATTHEW D. JOHNSON (University of Alberta), JARED R. ANDERSON (Kansas State University) and NANCY L. GALAMBOS (University of Alberta)
Skip the dishes? Not so fast! Sex and the division of labor revisited.
Winner of pairfam Best Presentation Award 2013:
YVONNE LOTT (Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliches Institut (WSI))
Childbirth and changes in the distribution of resources and housework: Is couples’ power allocation affected?