Technical Papers

The technical papers are prepared by the pairfam team in order to point the users to some important notes and assistances with regard to data preparation and data analysis. 

Nr. 01: Brüderl, Josef, Claudia Schmiedeberg, Laura Castiglioni, Oliver Arránz Becker, Petra Buhr, Daniel Fuß, Volker Ludwig, Jette Schröder and Nina Schumann. 2023. The German Family Panel: Study Design and Cumulated Field Report (Waves 1 to 14).

Nr. 02: Brüderl, Josef, Volker Ludwig, Klaus Pforr and Nina Schumann. 2011. Praktische Anwendungsbeispiele zum Umgang mit den pairfam-Daten (Welle 1).

Nr. 03: Schnor, Christine and Sonja Bastin. 2014. Partners and Babies. Partnership and Fertility Histories of the German Family Panel (pairfam/DemoDiff, waves 1-3) as an Event History Data Set. [Do-Files]

Nr. 04: Buhr, Petra and Johannes Huinink. 2014. Adjustment of Variable Frt6[Do-Files]

Nr. 05: Sonntag, Maximilian, Marcus Mund, Elisabeth Schubach and Franz J. Neyer. 2014. Report of a Method Effect in the Assessment of Personality Traits in Pairfam.

Nr. 06: Sonntag, Maximilian, Franz J. Neyer and Elisabeth Schubach. 2015. Measurement Invariance of the Pairfam Scales.

Nr. 07: Schmiedeberg, Claudia. 2015. Regional Data in the German Family Panel (pairfam).

Nr. 08: Huinink, Johannes and Eva-Maria Merz. 2013. Comparative Studies on Couples' and Family Dynamics using NKPS and pairfam.

Nr. 09: Hiekel, Nicole, Johannes Huinink, and Timo Peter. 2014. Combining Data from the Generations and Gender Surveys and the German Family Panel to Conduct Comparative Research on Couples' and Family Dynamics.

Nr. 10: Gebel, Lena, Nina Böcker, Victoria Melchior, Sina Köster und Petra Buhr. 2017. Quantitative und qualitative Erfassung der Gründe keine (weiteren) Kinder zu bekommen in pairfam.

Nr. 11: Thönnissen, Carolin und Sabine Walper. 2020. Die Befragung der Kinder im deutschen Beziehungs- und Familienpanel pairfam: Sampling, Stichprobe und Erhebungsinstrumente.

Nr. 12: Wilhelm, Barbara und Sabine Walper. 2020. Die Kindermodule im Ankerinterview des Beziehungs- und Familienpanel pairfam: Übersicht, Stichprobe und Erhebungsprogramm.

Nr. 13: Wilhelm, Barbara und Sabine Walper. 2020. Die Erziehungsbefragung im Beziehungs- und Familienpanel pairfam: Übersicht, Stichprobe und Erhebungsprogramm.

Nr. 14: Düval, Sabine and Katrin Auspurg. 2020. The Factorial Survey Experiment on "Distribution of Work in Partnerships" in the German Family Panel (pairfam).

Nr. 15: Walper, Sabine, Babara Sawatzki, Philipp Alt, Julia Reim, Claudia Schmiedeberg, Carolin Thönnissen, and Martin Wetzel. 2021. The pairfam COVID-19 survey: Design and instruments.

Nr. 16: Bozoyan, Christiane, Michel Herzig, Richard Preetz und Claudia Schmiedeberg. 2021. Effects of Survey Design Modifications in pairfam Wave 12 due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Nr. 17: Wetzel, Martin, Nina Schumann und Claudia Schmiedeberg. 2021. New weights for the pairfam anchor data. [Do-Files]

Nr. 18: Bozoyan, Christiane und Claudia Schmiedeberg. 2022. The Factorial Survey Experiment on "Infidelity Norms and Attitudes" in the German Family Panel (pairfam).

Nr. 19: Schober, Pia S., Silke Büchau, Marie-Fleur Philipp, C. Katharina Spiess, Christiane Bozoyan und Claudia Schmiedeberg. 2022. The Factorial Survey Experiment on “Normative Judgements of Work-Care Arrangements” in the German Family Panel.

Nr. 20: Düval, Sabine und Katrin Auspurg. 2022. The Factorial Survey Experiment on "Distribution of Work in Partnerships" in the German Family Panel (pairfam). Content and Technical Information on the Partner Vignettes.

Nr. 21: Sawatzki, Barbara, Julia Reim, Rüdiger Edinger und Sabine Walper. 2023. Children's Family Type in the German Family Panel (pairfam): Waves 2 to 14. [Syntax Files]