Overview of pairfam Materials

For orientation purposes the document "Overview pairfam" summarizes the available pairfam materials on one page.
→ Overview pairfam


Quick Guide

The Quide Guide gives a brief introduction to the most important information for working with pairfam data, as well as reference points for further information in other documents.
→ Quick Guide


Quick Starts

The Quick Starts are commented syntax files that are provided as a service for users to facilitate the handling of the pairfam data. They include suggestions for cross-sectional, longitudinal and dyadic data matching procedures, for constructing samples and weighting, for exercising strategies of analysis, and for the handling of the generated dataset biopart.

Quick Starts: ZIP archive of all Stata do-files for getting started with the pairfam data (release 13.0)

→ separate per topic (Stata): Sample Definition | Weighting  |  Matching  |  Biopart EHA  |  Panel Analysis FE | Missings